Natural Henna




Fine 100% natural powder, of vegetable origin, from the grinding of the dry leaves of the Henna bush, ideal for covering gray hair, contains no additives or colorants. Controls the segregation of oil on the scalp, preventing the production of dandruff, providing more volume and brightness.

It contains a protein very similar to keratin, which helps strengthen the hair from the hair follicle to the root. It helps to prevent the hair loss.

Instructions for use:
Place the henna portion to be used in a clean plastic or glass container, add hot water, coffee, tea or chamomile water according to its purpose (light or dark tones) and hot water while stirring until it forms a homogeneous mass.
For mahogany tones prepare with coffee (two spoons) for a cup of water.
For light shades – blondes prepare a Tea (three bags) for a cup of water or bunch of chamomiles.
Generally, henna tends to give a reddish-brown tone that can be attenuated or accentuated in combination with other natural substances.

SKU: N/A Category:


Sachets 20 g – 0.71 oz

Sachets 30g – 1.05 oz

Sachets 60 g  – 2.12 oz


Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

Caja – 1 sobre de 60 gr, Caja – 2 sobres de 30 gr, Caja – 3 sobres de 20 gr, Caja 20 gr, Dosificada – 3 Sobres 20 Gr


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